This question is for women, have you ever dated someone with erectile...
Have you ever dated anyone with erectile dysfunction, did ed cause problems in your relationship? Chosen Answer: no i haven’t but it wouldn’t stop me from dating someone with ed by: on: 18th May 10
View ArticleDoes anyone know where i can see recent cialis commercials?
I’m looking to make a parody of the newest one, but i haven’t been able to find it. Does anyone know where i can find them? Chosen Answer: go to production companies’ website. I have been working for...
View ArticleAny suggestions on how to deal with a partner who’s experiencing erectile...
My boyfriend is taking Avodart to treat an enlarged prostate. It’s effected his libido and erectile abilities. We’re having a problem connecting in the intimacy arena of our relationship. He doesn’t...
View ArticleIs Cialis safe, I get shortness of breath when I use it?
I take about 1 Cialis a week but seems to be getting shortness of breath afterwards for a few hours, I find it hard to catch up with my breath and take a full breath for some reason. Have you...
View ArticleCialis, Viagra, Pharmacy Online – What should we do to people who send these...
Be creative, is there anything unkind enough? Chosen Answer: Scarecrow (Ray Bolger): I haven’t got a brain… only straw.Dorothy (Judy Garland): How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain?Scarecrow: I...
View Article25 years old, suffering from erectile dysfunction for at least 5 years. Is...
First off, no I haven’t been to a doctor due to the fact I can’t afford the medical insurance. Secondly, I worry about dating someone now because of ‘that problem’. It works, but it takes a lot of work...
View ArticleMen,At what age do you expect to have that little talk with your doctor about...
To see if it,s right for you. Chosen Answer: I’m 62,,haven’t had to yet by: fostrow55 on: 11th March 11
View ArticleWhere can I get name brand Cialis without a prescription?
My boyfriend had an incredibly embarrassing experience the first couple times he had his prescription filled and now won’t go back to renew his prescription. He claims Taladafil (generic version) gives...
View ArticleWhat to do about a sexless marriage?
My husband has erectile dysfunction and has tried Viagra and Cealis to no avail. Now we just don’t have sex. It’s making me crazy. I am 39 and I have the sex drive of a 16 year old boy. We haven’t had...
View ArticleIf I’m impotent, should I even bother trying to date?
I haven’t had sex in 10 years, been impotent for 5 years. I have tried to date 3 girls in the last couple of years and want to try dating again, but am concerned about not being able to “perform”....
View Articleany alternative treatments for prostate cancer?
Has anyone used any alternative treatments for prostate cancer successfully. I’ve read about many but just wondering if anyone might have anything I haven’t found yet. Also, has anyone used hormone...
View ArticleDo you or do you know someone that sells 100mg of viagra or cialis?
If you do contact or have them to contact me with their or your price @ Chosen Answer: If you haven’t had erectile dysfunction diagnosed by your doctor and are taking it for...
View ArticleWhere is the conservative movement to have insurance companies stop paying...
The cons REALLY want to prevent insurance companies from covering women’s health, but I haven’t heard any cons complain about them covering men’s sexual health issues. Why is that? Chosen Answer: The...
View ArticleFor MEN only: What’s better Viagra or Cialis ?
That Cialis TV commercial is Chosen Answer: i have no idea honey. i haven’t tried any of the two because i don’t need any medication to make me hard. in fact, i’m hard all the time. i’m...
View ArticleErectile Dysfunction? Impotence???
This is a problem that I think I have… Help please: I’m a 31 y/o male, 5’11, 150 lb, no medical problems, no high cholesterol, no high blood pressure, don’t eat junk food, active. I’ve been smoking...
View ArticleCan I take dihydrocodeine to Brazil, and other prescription drugs that I...
I am about to travel to Brazil, and want to take some medications with me. Namely, dihydrocodeine, diazepam, zopiclone and cialis. I have not been prescribed these, but I own some and want to take a...
View Article19 with erectile dysfunction. Help!?
I am 19 years old and just recently started getting serious with my girlfriend. But I cannot, for the life of me, get an erection. Maintaining it isn’t the problem, it’s GETTING it. Nothing works. I...
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